Monday 28 August 2006

Peaches - Hanky Code

OK so everyone's been going on about the new Peaches album, Impeach My Bush, which I have bought and which is, indeed, ace. However, a search for information on Peaches on thegood ol' interpipe reveals to me that some of the best tracks considered for this album didn't actually make it! Three of these, Make Me, Damage and Fan Etiquette made it onto a special edition that I believe was US-release only, which is a bit of a bummer. They are available at another blog, but I really can't remember which one. I obtained those tracks on MP3 from somewhere, and they're quite good.

Another track even more worth hearing is the B-side to 'Downtown', named Hanky Code. If you're gay, or know some gay things, you maye have heard of the actualy Hanky Code from way back, when gay men (allegedly) used to wear different coloured hankies in their bum pockets to signify what they liked sexually. Google it to find out more. Anyway, this is what the Peaches song is based on.

Musically, Hanky Code reminds the listener initially of Soulwax's NY Excuse, especially the bassline, and the opening line "Excuse me?" It bulds up to a tuneful, jagged-electro fun stormer which is Peaches' true speciality. Enjoy this track - it could have made a much better single than Downtown. Oh and thanks for the initial tip-off,

Hear & download Hanky Code

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